The Château

The Château de Candé displays remarkable architecture, composite through its juxtaposition of periods, but which nevertheless gives the building great originality.
The changes made to the building in the 19th century, including in particular the addition of falsely defensive corner towers and the Chapel, contribute to its romantic appearance.

Candé has unique originality as an “Engineer's Estate” because, through the various rich avant-garde owners who have lived there, the Domaine de Candé has been endowed with unique and precursory elements of modernity; : 

  • Water control (pump station, irrigation networks - before 1927)
  • Modern comfort (ultra-fast-fill bathtubs, heated towel rails before the 1930s, heating and electricity before 1927)
  • Telephone exchange (1927-1930) allowing calls worldwide 
  • Cellar equipped with a Marmonier press 
  • Kitchens preserved in perfect condition and equipped with a monumental piano, pass-throughs, freight elevators, fruit trees, proving room (bakery), and more 
  • Three-level Skinner organ (winter 1928-1929) classified as a historical monument
  • Sports hall (1927-1930) 

Offering a guided tour of more than 20 fully-furnished rooms, the Castle evokes the luxurious atmosphere of the daily life of great Aristocrats and the Bourgeois from the 1930s to the 1970s.

A fully-furnished Castle

The Chateau de Candé evokes the atmosphere of the daily life of great Aristocrats and the Bourgeois in a Castle from the 1930s to the 1970s. The furniture is largely derived from those bequeathed by Fern Bedaux and now owned by the French Mobilier National. A partnership agreement  with the French Mobilier National has allowed the Estate to return this furniture, dispersed  over the years, to its original home by finding the places where it was originally placed, thus allowing it to return to its rightful place and emphasizing the functions of the rooms.